Wednesday, 6 March 2019

City of Ottawa - Accessibility Spotlight

Save the Date - AccessAbility Day

The City of Ottawa is pleased to celebrate the 16th annual AccessAbility Day. This event recognizes the City’s accessibility achievements and commitment to inclusion across services, programs and facilities.
Please join the Deputy Mayor and City Manager Steve Kanellakos for the Opening Ceremony and Proclamation of AccessAbility Day in Ottawa.

When:           Thursday May 30, 2019
Time:             10 AM
Location:      Andrew S. Haydon Hall, Ottawa City Hall

All activities have been designed with inclusion in mind.
Please mark your calendars. Registration will open on April 15

Camp Fair

Saturday, March 2, 2019

10 AM to 3 PM

Jim Durrell Arena

1265 Walkley Road

Free event!

Information from over 40 specialized camps including residential camps, available.
Inclusive Recreation staff will be here to answer any questions.

For further event information contact us at 613-580-2424 ext. 29291

Accessible collection launched in branches across the Ottawa Public Library

Talking book customers can now browse OPL’s DAISY audio book collection at the Elmvale Acres branch, Greenboro branch and the Main branch of the Ottawa Public Library, with more branches to come!

Who can qualify to be a DAISY audiobook Talking Book customer?

You are eligible for this service if you have a print disability (permanent or temporary) due to blindness, visual impairment, physical disability and/or learning disability in accordance with the definition provided for "perceptual disability" in Section 32. (1) of the Canadian Copyright Act. You must also have a valid OPL card registered in your name.

What are DAISY audiobooks?

An audiobook in DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) format in English and French.  A DAISY audiobook can contain up to 30 hours of material on one CD. DAISY audiobooks must be played on digital readers, also known as DAISY players.
Browse the Ottawa Public Library DAISY audio book collection online, which has over 4,500 titles!
To learn more about the collection or how to become a Talking Book customer please call 613-580-2424, ext 28321 or email
Remember, you can request accessible formats of City public documents and we welcome your disability-related feedback on the accessibility of our services, programs and facilities through the following channels:

  • by phone at 3-1-1 and TTY (613-580-2401)
  • by e-mail to

Monday, 4 March 2019

City of Ottawa - Spring and Summer Registration Day is Coming Soon!

The classic programs are back and plenty of new camps and classes have been added to the spring and summer selection. Here’s everything you need to know about registration:

1) Save the Dates:
  • Monday, March 4 at 9 pm:
  • Tuesday, March 5:
    • In-person registration available during regular business hours.
  • Wednesday, March 6 at 9 pm:
  • Thursday, March 7:
    • In-person registration for all programs available during regular business hours.
2) How to Register:
  • Register and sign in to your family account or create a new account.
  • Check out the Recreation eGuides to find the barcode for the program you want. All barcodes are linked, so if you’re registering online, you can simply click through.
  • You can also search programs by facility using Join Ottawa. Join Ottawa is your one stop shop for all of the programs on offer at the City’s recreation facilities, libraries and senior centres. It’s conveniently laid out so you can go right to the programs that interest you.

French Day Camps

The City is offering more French language summer camps across Ottawa this year. Close to home or on route to work, fun and fascinating camps are offered each week for preschoolers, children and teens.

Summer Jobs with the City

It’s that time of year again! The City of Ottawa has launched its summer hiring campaign. Are you or someone you know looking for an exciting opportunity this summer? Why not be a camp counselor for inclusive recreationarts or sports? There are plenty more options to choose from. Check out the full listing of job opportunities at

Step with Confidence

Sometimes it’s not clear where to start your fitness journey. Step with Confidence breaks older adult fitness programs into three steps for three levels. That way you know that you’re not biting off more than you can chew when you start your journey towards a happier more active you! To find out more visit our website or check out the guide for program options.

Community Galleries

Atrium Art Gallery - Joy Kardish, Transference - February 15 to March 20, 2019
Trinity Art Gallery - Arteast, Mosaic - February 14 to March 19, 2019

Safety on the Ice

With milder temperatures on the way, the Ottawa Drowning Prevention Coalition in conjunction with the City of Ottawa want to remind residents of the dangers of being on ice and open water. When ice begins to thaw it may look solid but is often extremely dangerous. Grey ice is unsafe. The greyness indicates the presence of water. Check ice safety guidelines at Lifesaving Society or simply stay away from the ice.

What’s Happening

Inclusive Recreation Camp Fair - Mar 2

The City of Ottawa offers over 40 specialized camps, including residential camps, at various community centres. Learn all about them at this year’s Inclusive Recreation Fair! Admission is free.

Affordable Housing for a Diversity of Women / Des logements abordables pour des femmes diverses

Affordable Housing for a Diversity of Women

Bringing a gender lens to Ottawa’s housing crisis
Rescheduled Date
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Jean Piggot Hall, City Hall (110 Laurier Avenue East)
6 PM to 8:30 PM
Register Here
  • Hear how the housing crisis is putting women and their families at risk.
  • Celebrate!  In response to a community wide call to address Ottawa’s housing crisis, the City announced $15 million capital funding in the Draft City Budget 2019.
  • Bring a gender lens to the City’s Refresh of the Housing and Homelessness Plan.
  • Have an opportunity to express your opinions on why housing matters.
Presenters Include:
Mercy Lawluvi, Immigrant Women Services Ottawa
Delores Peltier-Corkey, Gignul Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Councillor Catherine McKenney,  Housing and Homelessness Liaison
Councillor Theresa Kavanagh,  Women and Gender Equity Liaison
And more…

Organized by women, all are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Reimbursement Expenses: We have limited funds for those who need childcare or  bus vouchers  in order to participate

Co-Sponsored by: City for All Women Initiative, Empow(her) Network, The Well, Immigrant Women Services Ottawa,  Cornerstone Housing for Women, Harmony House, Interval House of Ottawa, Gignul Non-Profit  Housing, Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women. With funds from Status of Women Canada and CUPE National.

Des logements abordables pour des femmes diverses
Crise du logement Ă  Ottawa: Favoriser une perspective de genre
Date modifiée
Le mardi, 26 mars 2019

Salle Jean Piggot, HĂ´tel de ville
110 avenue Laurier Avenue Est
18 h Ă  20 h 30

Inscrivez-vous ici
  • DĂ©couvrez comment la crise du logement expose les femmes et leur famille Ă  des risques
  • Nous allons cĂ©lĂ©brer! Après que la collectivitĂ© lui ait demandĂ© de rĂ©pondre Ă  la crise du logement Ă  Ottawa, la Ville a annoncĂ© 15 M$ dans le budget municipal prĂ©liminaire de 2019.
  • Plan dĂ©cennal de logement et de lutte contre l’itinĂ©rance : Favoriser une perspective de genre.
  • Profitez de cette occasion pour expliquer pourquoi, selon vous, le logement est une question importante.
Les présentatrices inclueront:
Mercy Lawluvi, Services pour femmes immigrantes d’Ottawa (IWSO)
Delores Peltier – Corkey,  Gignul Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Catherine McKenney,  conseillère municipale, agente de liaison, Logement et itinĂ©rance
Theresa Kavanagh,  conseillère, agente de liaison, condition fĂ©minine et Ă©quitĂ© des genres
et d’autres….

Le Forum est organisĂ© par des femmes et tout le monde est bienvenu. Des rafraĂ®chissements seront servis. Remboursement des dĂ©penses: Nous disposons de fonds limitĂ©s pour aider les personnes qui ont besoin de services de garde d’enfants ou des coupons d’autobus pour pouvoir participer.

ParrainĂ© par: l’Initiative : une ville pour toutes les femmes (IVTF), Empow(her), Network, The Well,  Immigrant Women Services Ottawa, Cornerstone Housing for Women, Harmony House, Maison Interval d’Ottawa, Gignul Non-Profit Housing for Women, la Coalition d’Ottawa contre la violence faite aux femmes et d’autres organisations. Bailleur de fonds: Condition fĂ©minine Canada et SCFP Nacionale