Monday 21 March 2016

Petition Requesting a Change to the Parking Regulation

We have received complaints from members of our community regarding cars blocking driveways and have approached the city for ideas on how to address this concern.  A solution that was proposed was to limit parking to one side of the street on Southwood Drive between Iris Street and Baseline Road. 

In order for the city to install “no parking” signage to the east side of Southwood Drive a petition has to be completed and there has to be a clear consensus of residents and businesses indicating support for this change. 

A member of the QTSRCA and a city staff member will be going door to door along this area this week with the petition.  This will give you the opportunity to sign or ask questions about this petition.
Petition details:
Petition Title: Petition Requesting a Change to the Parking Regulation
Petition Number: TSM 5237183
Petition Statement: We, the undersigned petition the City to install “no parking” signage on the east side of Southwood Dr. between Iris St and Baseline Rd.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the community association at

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